Sparta United Methodist Women have two programs per year. Spiral Groups and the Executive Board meet independently as small groups. Membership is open to all women. Men are welcome to attend all programs and meetings. No meetings are ever closed. We welcome you…come join us!
Sparta UMW participates in the Five Channels of Mission Giving and we are a Silver Mission Today Unit.

- Co-Presidents: Susan Pironti and Kathy Scehovic
- Secretary: Sandy Svenningsen
- Treasurer: Pat Schutz
- Spiral Leaders (all Spiral Leaders are part of the Executive Board):
- Children’s Faith Journals: Pat Schutz
- Gathers to make journals for each child in the church
- Food Certificate Distribution: Diane Gelone
- Gives out food coupons twice a month to those in need
- Book Group: Ann Freeman Price
- Meets the 2ndMonday of each month to discuss selected book.
- Children’s Faith Journals: Pat Schutz
The Sparta UMW awarded our first scholarships to Jenn Randazzo and Julie Garrison in December 2010.
2013 – Allison Sidoli was our recipient
“Gift in Memory” cards are always available through your local UMW Unit. All money goes to mission in your loved one’s name. See a UMW officer if you’d like to purchase one.
Special Mission Recognition is a way for our local UMW Unit to honor individuals in the church for outstanding mission service. Persons nominated should be active in mission work in our church and beyond, and representative of the Purpose of the UMW. Anyone in the SUMC is welcome to submit a nominee. Past SMRs and Co-Presidents will vote to select Honorees by November 15 each year, and the names of the recipients will be held in secret until they are honored in church in the spring.
Past Special Mission Recognition Honorees are:
- Susan Pironti-awarded by Skyland’s District
- 2002- Henny Braue
- 2003- Doris Kepler
- 2004- Kim Bloemer
- 2005- Edna Moriarty and Rich Moriarty
- 2006- Bud Larson, Diane Gelone and Kari Burkholder
- 2007- Wilma Smith
- 2008- Nancy VanderVeen
- 2009- Peg Pierson
- 2010- Dave Jones and Ann Freeman Price
- 2011- Elaine Hartigan and Jack Hartigan
- 2012- Susan Pironti and Pat Schutz
- 2013- Pat Harvey & Laura Kempson
- 2014- Olga Vrabel, Sandy Svenningson, Allen Koriakin
- 2015- Jack Carpenter, Bob Schutz
- 2016- Muriel Godbersen, Litsa Binder
- 2017- Ian Good, Pat Johnson, Yvonne Roux
- 2018- Cullen Kempson, Kathy Scehovic, Ann Lewis
- 2019- Rich Kelley, Eleanor Schumaker
- 2020- Melissa Lambert, Mike Vrabel