Please join us for one of our in-person Sunday Worship Services. The 8:45 a.m. service will be held in the Sanctuary. We also have a 10:30 a.m. in-person service which is also live-streamed on FaceBook.
If you do not have access to a computer but would like to listen to the service on your phone, you can do so by utilizing the following call-in number at 10:30 a.m. Sunday morning:
1-646-876-9923 – the meeting ID number is 674 130 206
The service will be available on Facebook using the following link:
Watch Online
New to Sunday Worship?
Come as you are. You are welcome here.
What is the service like? A simple standard format. There are bulletins inside the sanctuary door which give the order of worship and any relevant announcements. The bulletin is the outline of the service.
What’s the schedule for Holy Communion? We are so pleased to be offering Holy Communion every week at 8:30 a.m. We celebrate once a month at 10:30 a.m. on the first Sunday of the month. Holy Communion is a gift given for each of us. The UMC has an open table for communion, everyone is welcome. We serve Communion at both services on the first Sunday of the month by the practice of Intinction, breaking off a piece of bread, sustenance for your journey, and dip it into the cup of grape juice, that is cup of the New Covenant and the deep love of Jesus.
What kind of music do we sing? The music ministry at Sparta is amazing. It will feed you every week. From organ or piano arrangements of sacred songs, to powerful choir offerings and anthems, to our youth choirs and bell choirs of all ages. We sing a variety of praise songs, traditional hymns, and spirituals.
What about our children? Sunday School for all ages is at 9:15 a.m. Children’s classrooms are downstairs. We offer a children’s message in our 10:30 worship service and we have a toddler space for children 8 and under. Your children are welcome to remain in church with you as we love the sounds of the children. We have several chairs available in the back of the sanctuary if you would rather hold your baby in the holy space.
Where do we park? There is ample parking available in our parking lot with several handicapped spots in the front.
How long is the service? There are two services each Sunday. The early service begins at 8:30 and generally ends at 9:15. The later service begins at 10:30 and generally, the service lasts an hour.
How long are the sermons? Sermons run approximately 10 to 15 minutes.
Do we “pass the peace”? Yes, we do pass the peace some of the time.
Are guests singled out? No, guests are not singled out. There are visitor cards in the pews and on the welcome table in the back of the Sanctuary. There is also a guest book by the sanctuary door for you to let us know you were here.
How is the seating? Spacious with comfy, cushy pews.
Am I expected to give money? Absolutely not. Just come and receive! A visitor’s presence is their gift to God (and to us.) As we grow in faith together, we learn to give back in gratitude.
Contemplative Worship
WEDNESDAYS @ 12:15 & 7PM